Product Mixing
Whether your product is a shampoo, a nutrition powder, muscle cream or floor sanitizer, it all starts with ingredients.
Our expertise
We have the experts to help transform the raw materials and ingredients into high-quality products.
We can formulate: If we have experience with your type of product, we can help you create a formula. If not, we can get you in touch with someone in our network who can.
We have flexibility: We can mix the ingredients that you supply, but we can also help you find a high-quality vendor and procure the needed materials.
We have the credentials: We’re an FDA-registered facility and follow cGMP (Current Good Manufacturing Practices) guidelines set by the FDA, which will help you get validation to produce pharmaceuticals and over-the-counter products.
Our facilities: We have a variety of mixing tanks, jacketed and non-jacketed, offering the right blend of options best suited for creating your formula at our facility.
We keep materials safe: Our climate-controlled warehouse ensures quality and safety of our raw materials until it’s time to enter production.
We have the right timelines: We have no set production minimums. It depends on the order size, but in most cases, we can get you into our production schedule within two to three weeks after raw materials are delivered.
We have pure water: Of course, we provide the final ingredient, and that’s water. Water quality can make or break your product and your brand. That’s why we use a USP (United States Pharmacopeia) Purified Water system for all of our cleaning, sanitization and mixing of products. This assures each product we produce on your behalf is safe, stable and consistent.
At Birchwood Manufacturing, we understand and know the intricacies of the product manufacturing process, along with the details that need to be executed to get your product packaged and on to your end consumer.
7900 Fuller Road, Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 USA
Toll Free: 800.328.6156
Fax: 952.937.7979